These lifecycle events are associated with the key interactions that a customer has with the app or website while placing an order for a product.

Product Clicked

This event is triggered whenever a visitor clicks on a product. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
product_idStringContains the database ID of the product being viewed
skuStringContains the SKU of the product
categoryStringContains the category of the product
nameStringContains the name of the product being viewed
brandStringContains the name of the brand associated with the product
variantStringContains information of the variant associated with the product
priceNumberContains the price of the product being viewed
quantityNumberContains the quantity of the product
couponStringContains information on the coupon code associated with a product
positionNumberContains the position of the product in the product list
urlStringContains the URL of the product page
image_urlStringContains the image URL of the product

An example of the Product Clicked event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Product Clicked", {
product_id: "123",
sku: "F15",
category: "Games",
name: "Game",
brand: "Gamepro",
variant: "111",
price: 13.49,
quantity: 11,
coupon: "DISC21",
position: 1,
url: "",
image_url: "",

Product Viewed

This event is triggered whenever a visitor views a product. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
product_idStringContains the database ID of the product being viewed
skuStringContains the SKU of the product
categoryStringContains the category of the product
nameStringContains the name of the product being viewed
brandStringContains the name of the brand associated with the product
variantStringContains information of the variant associated with the product
priceNumberContains the price of the product being viewed
quantityNumberContains the quantity of the product
couponStringContains information on the coupon code associated with a product
currencyStringContains the currency of the transaction
positionNumberContains the position of the product in the product list
urlStringContains the URL of the product page
image_urlStringContains the image URL of the product

An example of the Product Viewed event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Product Viewed", {
product_id: "123",
sku: "F15",
category: "Games",
name: "Game",
brand: "Gamepro",
variant: "111",
price: 13.49,
quantity: 11,
coupon: "DISC21",
currency: "USD",
position: 1,
url: "",
image_url: "",

Product Added

This event is triggered whenever a visitor/customer adds a product to their shopping cart. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
cart_idStringContains the cart ID of the cart to which the product was added
product_idStringContains the database ID of the product being viewed
skuStringContains the SKU of the product
categoryStringContains the category of the product
nameStringContains the name of the product being viewed
brandStringContains the name of the brand associated with the product
variantStringContains information of the variant associated with the product
priceNumberContains the price of the product being viewed
quantityNumberContains the quantity of the product
couponStringContains information on the coupon code associated with a product
positionNumberContains the position of the product in the product list
urlStringContains the URL of the product page
image_urlStringContains the image URL of the product

An example of the Product Added event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Product Added", {
product_id: "123",
sku: "F15",
category: "Games",
name: "Game",
brand: "Gamepro",
variant: "111",
price: 13.49,
quantity: 11,
coupon: "DISC21",
position: 1,
url: "",
image_url: "",

Product Removed

This event is triggered whenever a product is removed from the shopping cart by the customer. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
cart_idStringContains the cart ID of the cart to which the product was added
product_idStringContains the database ID of the product being viewed
skuStringContains the SKU of the product
categoryStringContains the category of the product
nameStringContains the name of the product being viewed
brandStringContains the name of the brand associated with the product
variantStringContains information of the variant associated with the product
priceNumberContains the price of the product being viewed
quantityNumberContains the quantity of the product
couponStringContains information on the coupon code associated with a product
positionNumberContains the position of the product in the product list
urlStringContains the URL of the product page
image_urlStringContains the image URL of the product

An example of the Product Removed event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Product Removed", {
product_id: "123",
sku: "F15",
category: "Games",
name: "Game",
brand: "Gamepro",
variant: "111",
price: 13.49,
quantity: 11,
coupon: "DISC21",
position: 1,
url: "",
image_url: "",

Cart Viewed

This event is triggered whenever a visitor or customer views their shopping cart. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
cart_idStringContains the cart ID of the cart to which the product was added
productsArrayContains the list of products displayed in the product list
products.$.product_idStringContains the product ID displayed on the list
products.$.skuStringContains the SKU of the product being viewed
products.$.categoryStringContains the category of the product being viewed
products.$.nameStringContains the name of the product being viewed
products.$.brandStringContains the name of the brand associated with the product
products.$.variantStringContains information of the variant associated with the product
products.$.priceNumberContains the price of the product being viewed
products.$.quantityNumberContains the quantity of the product
products.$.couponStringContains information on the coupon code associated with a product
products.$.positionNumberContains the position of the product in the product list
products.$.urlStringContains the URL of the product page
products.$.image_urlStringContains the image URL of the product

An example of the Cart Viewed event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Cart Viewed", {
cart_id: "12345",
products: [
product_id: "123",
sku: "G-14",
name: "Cards",
price: 14.99,
position: 1,
category: "Games",
url: "",
image_url: "",
product_id: "345",
sku: "G-32",
name: "UNO",
price: 3.99,
position: 2,
category: "Games",

Checkout Started

This event is triggered whenever an order or transaction is initiated after the customer or visitor clicks on the checkout button. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
order_idStringContains the order ID or transaction ID, whichever is applicable
affiliationStringContains the store or affiliation details from where the transaction was started
valueNumberContains the details of the revenue with the discount and coupons factored in
revenueNumberContains the revenue associated with the transaction, excluding the shipping and tax details
shippingNumberContains the shipping cost associated with the order or transaction
taxNumberContains the total tax associated with the order or the transaction
discountNumberContains the total discount associated with the transaction
couponStringContains details of the transaction coupon which can be redeemed with the transaction
currencyStringContains the currency code associated with an order or transaction
productsArrayContains the list of products in the order or transaction
products.$.product_idStringContains the product ID displayed on the list
products.$.skuStringContains the SKU of the product being viewed
products.$.categoryStringContains the category of the product being viewed
products.$.nameStringContains the name of the product being viewed
products.$.brandStringContains the name of the brand associated with the product
products.$.variantStringContains information of the variant associated with the product
products.$.priceNumberContains the price of the product being viewed
products.$.quantityNumberContains the quantity of the product
products.$.couponStringContains information on the coupon code associated with a product
products.$.positionNumberContains the position of the product in the product list
products.$.urlStringContains the URL of the product page
products.$.image_urlStringContains the image URL of the product

An example of the Checkout Started event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Checkout Started", {
order_id: "1234",
affiliation: "Apple Store",
value: 20,
revenue: 15.0,
shipping: 22,
tax: 1,
discount: 1.5,
coupon: "ImagePro",
currency: "USD",
products: [
product_id: "123",
sku: "G-32",
name: "Monopoly",
price: 14,
quantity: 1,
category: "Games",
url: "",
image_url: "",
product_id: "345",
sku: "F-32",
name: "UNO",
price: 3.45,
quantity: 2,
category: "Games",

Checkout Step Viewed

This event is triggered whenever a checkout step is viewed. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
checkout_idStringContains the checkout transaction ID
stepNumberContains the number associated with the checkout process step
shipping_methodStringContains the information associated with the chosen shipping method
payment_methodStringContains the payment method information

An example of the Checkout Step Viewed event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Checkout Step Viewed", {
checkout_id: "123",
step: 1,
shipping_method: "DHL",
payment_method: "Mastercard",

Checkout Step Completed

This event is triggered whenever a checkout step is completed. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
checkout_idStringContains the checkout transaction ID
stepNumberContains the number associated with the checkout process step
shipping_methodStringContains the information associated with the chosen shipping method
payment_methodStringContains the payment method information

An example of the Checkout Step Completed event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Checkout Step Completed", {
checkout_id: "123",
step: 1,
shipping_method: "DHL",
payment_method: "Mastercard",

Payment Info Entered

This event is triggered whenever payment information is successfully entered to complete an order or transaction. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
checkout_idStringContains the checkout transaction ID
order_idStringAn optional string that contains the order ID
stepNumberContains the number associated with the checkout process step
shipping_methodStringContains the information associated with the chosen shipping method
payment_methodStringContains the payment method information

An example of the Payment Info Entered event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Payment Info Entered", {
checkout_id: "12344",
order_id: "123",

Order Updated

This event is triggered whenever an order or transaction is updated. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
order_idStringContains the order ID or transaction ID, whichever is applicable
affiliationStringContains the store or affiliation details from where the transaction was started
totalNumberContains the details of the revenue with the discount and coupons factored in
revenueNumberContains the revenue associated with the transaction, excluding the shipping and tax details
shippingNumberContains the shipping cost associated with the order or transaction
taxNumberContains the total tax associated with the order or the transaction
discountNumberContains the total discount associated with the transaction
couponStringContains details of the transaction coupon which can be redeemed with the transaction
currencyStringContains the currency code associated with an order or transaction
productsArrayContains the list of products in the order or transaction
products.$.product_idStringContains the product ID displayed on the list
products.$.skuStringContains the SKU of the product being viewed
products.$.categoryStringContains the category of the product being viewed
products.$.nameStringContains the name of the product being viewed
products.$.brandStringContains the name of the brand associated with the product
products.$.variantStringContains information of the variant associated with the product
products.$.priceNumberContains the price of the product being viewed
products.$.quantityNumberContains the quantity of the product
products.$.couponStringContains information on the coupon code associated with a product
products.$.positionNumberContains the position of the product in the product list
products.$.urlStringContains the URL of the product page
products.$.image_urlStringContains the image URL of the product

An example of the Order Updated event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Order Updated", {
order_id: "1234",
affiliation: "Apple Store",
value: 20,
revenue: 15.0,
shipping: 22,
tax: 1,
discount: 1.5,
coupon: "ImagePro",
currency: "USD",
products: [
product_id: "123",
sku: "G-32",
name: "Monopoly",
price: 14,
quantity: 1,
category: "Games",
url: "",
image_url: "",
product_id: "345",
sku: "F-32",
name: "UNO",
price: 3.45,
quantity: 2,
category: "Games",

Order Completed

This event is triggered whenever an order is completed successfully. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
checkout_idStringContains the checkout ID
order_idStringContains the order ID or transaction ID, whichever is applicable
affiliationStringContains the store or affiliation details from where the transaction was started
subtotalNumberContains the order total after discounts but not including the taxes and shipping charges
totalNumberContains the details of the revenue with the discount and coupons factored in
revenueNumberContains the revenue associated with the transaction, excluding the shipping and tax details
shippingNumberContains the shipping cost associated with the order or transaction
taxNumberContains the total tax associated with the order or the transaction
discountNumberContains the total discount associated with the transaction
couponStringContains details of the transaction coupon which can be redeemed with the transaction
currencyStringContains the currency code associated with an order or transaction
productsArrayContains the list of products in the order or transaction
products.$.product_idStringContains the product ID displayed on the list
products.$.skuStringContains the SKU of the product being viewed
products.$.categoryStringContains the category of the product being viewed
products.$.nameStringContains the name of the product being viewed
products.$.brandStringContains the name of the brand associated with the product
products.$.variantStringContains information of the variant associated with the product
products.$.priceNumberContains the price of the product being viewed
products.$.quantityNumberContains the quantity of the product
products.$.couponStringContains information on the coupon code associated with a product
products.$.positionNumberContains the position of the product in the product list
products.$.urlStringContains the URL of the product page
products.$.image_urlStringContains the image URL of the product

An example of the Order Completed event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Order Completed", {
checkout_id: "12345",
order_id: "1234",
affiliation: "Apple Store",
total: 20,
revenue: 15.0,
shipping: 22,
tax: 1,
discount: 1.5,
coupon: "ImagePro",
currency: "USD",
products: [
product_id: "123",
sku: "G-32",
name: "Monopoly",
price: 14,
quantity: 1,
category: "Games",
url: "",
image_url: "",
product_id: "345",
sku: "F-32",
name: "UNO",
price: 3.45,
quantity: 2,
category: "Games",

Order Refunded

This event is triggered whenever an order is refunded. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
order_idStringContains the order or transaction ID

An example of the Order Refunded event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Order Refunded", {
order_id: "1234",
total: 20,
currency: "USD",
products: [
product_id: "123",
sku: "G-32",
name: "Monopoly",
price: 17,
quantity: 1,
category: "Games",
url: "",
image_url: "",
product_id: "345",
sku: "F-32",
name: "UNO",
price: 3,
quantity: 1,
category: "Games",

Order Cancelled

This event is triggered whenever an order is canceled. The following properties are supported by this event:

Property NameTypeDescription of the Property
order_idStringContains the order ID or transaction ID, whichever is applicable
affiliationStringContains the store or affiliation details from where the transaction was started
totalNumberContains the details of the revenue with the discount and coupons factored in
revenueNumberContains the revenue associated with the transaction, excluding the shipping and tax details
shippingNumberContains the shipping cost associated with the order or transaction
taxNumberContains the total tax associated with the order or the transaction
discountNumberContains the total discount associated with the transaction
couponStringContains details of the transaction coupon which can be redeemed with the transaction
currencyStringContains the currency code associated with an order or transaction
productsArrayContains the list of products in the order or transaction
products.$.product_idStringContains the product ID displayed on the list
products.$.skuStringContains the SKU of the product being viewed
products.$.categoryStringContains the category of the product being viewed
products.$.nameStringContains the name of the product being viewed
products.$.brandStringContains the name of the brand associated with the product
products.$.variantStringContains information of the variant associated with the product
products.$.priceNumberContains the price of the product being viewed
products.$.quantityNumberContains the quantity of the product
products.$.couponStringContains information on the coupon code associated with a product
products.$.positionNumberContains the position of the product in the product list
products.$.urlStringContains the URL of the product page
products.$.image_urlStringContains the image URL of the product

An example of the Order Cancelled event is as shown:

rudderanalytics.track("Order Cancelled", {
order_id: "1234",
affiliation: "Apple Store",
total: 20,
revenue: 15.0,
shipping: 22,
tax: 1,
discount: 1.5,
coupon: "ImagePro",
currency: "USD",
products: [
product_id: "123",
sku: "G-32",
name: "Monopoly",
price: 14,
quantity: 1,
category: "Games",
url: "",
image_url: "",
product_id: "345",
sku: "F-32",
name: "UNO",
price: 3.45,
quantity: 2,
category: "Games",

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For more information on the topics covered on this page, email us or start a conversation in our Slack community.

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